Note: SKKU=the university where I'l study korean for a month
INHA=The university where I'll study during the rest of the year.
Today was a long day, I fist went to the SungKyunKwan University to tell them that I was arrived in Korea and to ask for some information.
Then started the quest for the alien registration card: I would like a cell phone, but I need a bank book to do that, and to open a bank account I need a smart card (INHA university card which is linked to the bank account). To get the smart card I first need an Alien Registration Card (aka ARC) as needed for 90% of the things where you need to subscribe in Korea.
Wait, I’ve not finished, to get the ARC you need two things: a certificate of enrolment from INHA (I got it really quickly, thanks M. Kim) and to have my presence in Korea registered by the immigration service… they told me that it will take about 7 days. So nothing for 7 days from now.
At INHA University I finally met M. Kim, the International relations responsible, who has been really nice. He called the immigration office for me and then get out with me in order to bring me to some real estate agency and then visited with me some flats. I found a perfect flat, all mew, building with an elevator, a convenience store on the 1st floor, 10mins far from INHA by foot. (You’ll get the pictures when I’ll move in).
One of the SKKU building

About INHA I'll take more pictures when I'll be there as a student.